I am computer scientist working on Explainable AI. My research focuses on counterfactual explanations, with special emphasis on their robustness. I am affiliated with the Centre for Explainable AI at Imperial College, where I am supported by an Imperial College Research Fellowship.
You might want to check out my CV to get a better picture of what I’ve done professionally so far.
- The POSTnote on energy security and AI is out! Check it out here. 2024. 12. 13.
- Our proposal for a Bridge workshop on Explainable AI, Energy and Critical Infrastructure Systems has been accepted at AAAI'25! Call for Participation available here. 2024. 10. 04.
- Our paper "Interval Abstractions for Robust Counterfactual Explanations" has been accepted for publication in the journal of Artificial Intelligence (AIJ)! Read the article here. 2024. 08. 28.
- Brilliant news! Our paper "Contestable AI needs Computational Argumentation" has been accepted at KR'24! Read the pre-print. 2024. 07. 25.
- New paper alert: "Rigorous Probabilistic Guarantees for Robust Counterfactual Explanations" has been accepted at ECAI'24! 2024. 07. 04.
- Our paper "Robust Counterfactual Explanations in Machine Learning: A Survey" has been accepted at IJCAI'24. See you in Jeju! 2024. 04. 20.
- I've been accepted into the DAAD AINet Fellowship scheme. The theme for this year is Safety and Security in AI, very exciting! 2024. 04. 03.
- I will be speaking at the AI Ethics and Diversity Seminar Series at I-X on April 9th. Save the date! 2024. 03. 05.
- Invited to speak at the Responsible Data Science & AI Research workshop. Registration is now open (and free!). 2024. 02. 02.
- New paper on "Recourse under Model Multiplicity via Argumentative Ensembling" accepted at AAMAS 2024! 2023. 12. 21.
- Our paper "Promoting Counterfactual Robustness through Diversity" has been accepted at AAAI'24. See you in Vancouver! 2023. 12. 10.
- New video lecture on Robust XAI is out, check it out at this link! 2023. 10. 26.
- New paper "The Recourse Problem under Model Multiplicity" accepted at the 3rd Workshop on Explainable AI in Finance (XAI-FIN 2023)! 2023. 10. 20.
- Speaking at the verification seminars @ King's College on Nov 21st! 2023. 10. 18.
- Speaking at the XAI seminars @ Imperial on Oct 27th. Sign up here! 2023. 10. 12.
- I will be giving two talks on Robust XAI: one at Fondazione Bruno Kessler on Oct 16th and another one at the University of Trento on Oct 19th. Reach out if interested! 2023. 09. 21.
- New paper at ACML 2023: "Provably Robust and Plausible Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Networks via Robust Optimisation". 2023. 09. 11.
- Proposal accepted into the UK-Italy Trustworthy AI Visiting Researcher Programme of the Alan Turing Institute! 2023. 07. 31.
- Invited to serve as PC member for AAAI 2024. 2023. 07. 13.
- New paper accepted at EUMAS 2023: "Robust Explanations for Human-Neural Multi-agent Systems with Formal Verification". 2023. 07. 05.
- Fantastic news: I am the winner of the Imperial PFDC Supporting Research Staff and Students Award 2023! 2023. 06. 09.
- My tutorial proposal on Robust Explainable AI: the Case of Counterfactual Explanations has been accepeted at ECAI 2023 - see you in Krakow! 2023. 06. 07.
- Two papers accepted at KR 2023: "Counterfactual Explanations and Model Multiplicity: a Relational Verification View" and "Verification of Semantic Key Point Detection for Aircraft Pose Estimation". Congratulations to all the co-authors, see you in Rhodes! 2023. 05. 19.
- OMTPlan: a Tool for Optimal Planning Modulo Theories accepted for publication in the Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation! 2023. 05. 02.
- New paper alert: "Verification-Friendly Networks: The Case for Parametric ReLUs" has been accepted at IJCNN'23. 2023. 04. 07.
- Invited to serve as PC member for the 4th Workshop on Explainable Logic-based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR'23) @ KR. 2023. 04. 06.
- Invited to serve as PC member for the 1st International Conference on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (xAI'23). 2023. 01. 11.
- Our paper "Towards Robust Contrastive Explanations for Human-Neural Multi-agent Systems" has been accepted at AAMAS'23. 2023. 01. 03.
- Will be serving as PC member for IJCAI 2023 and the AAMAS 2023 BlueSky track. 2022. 12. 12.
- I will give a talk on robustness of explanations at the IT University of Copenhagen in Feb next year. Details here. 2022. 12. 7.
- Invited to give a talk on robustness of explanations at the University of Kent on Dec 5th. Get in touch if you're around! 2022. 11. 28.
- Our paper "Formalising the Robustness of Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Networks" has been accepted at AAAI'23. Read the pre-print here. 2022. 11. 19.
- Visiting Einar Johnsen and his group at the University of Oslo Nov 23-25. Looking forward to interesting discussions on SMT, AI Planning and much more! 2022. 11. 14.
- Invited to serve as a member of the PC for KR 2023. 2022. 11. 07.
- Our new paper "Formalising the Robustness of Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Networks" is out on arxiv. Read the paper here. 2022. 09. 01.
- Invited to serve as a member of the PC for AAAI 2023. 2022. 08. 08.
- Invited to give a tutorial on Planning as SMT at the REMARO Fall School in Sep. Looking forward to catching up with old friends in Aachen! 2022. 07. 27.
- I am co-organising the explAIn 2022 workshop at Imperial. The theme for this year is robustness in explainable AI. Want to know more? Click here. 2022. 07. 13.
- Completed my training as a Mental Health First Aider with MHFA England. Incredible learning experience! 2022. 06. 30.
- Our paper "Verification-friendly Networks: the Case for Parametric ReLUs" has been accepted at WFVML @ ICML 2022. 2022. 06. 20.
- Fantastic news: I have been awarded an Imperial College Research Fellowship starting in 2022! 2021. 12. 15.
- Our paper "Repairing Misclassifications in Neural Networks Using Limited Data" has been accepted at SAC 2022! Read the paper here. 2021. 12. 14.
- Invited to serve as a member of the PC for KR 2022. 2021. 12. 07.
- Joined the Centre for Explainable AI at Imperial! 2021. 11. 26.
- Invited to give a talk on AI safety at the 1st International Workshop on Formal Methods for AI-Controlled Systems. Looking forward to attending my first in-person event in a long time! 2021. 09. 20.
- Thrilled to serve as PC member for the Learning and Adaptation area at AAMAS 2022. 2021. 09. 18.
- I will be serving as a member of the PC for AAAI 2022. 2021. 08. 11.
- Paper accepted at FM 2021! Great collaboration with Boeing on verification of neural networks for safe avionics. Read the paper here. 2021. 07. 17.
- Serving as a member of the PC for IJCAI-ECAI 2022. 2021. 07. 09.
- Invited to serve as a member of the PC for KR 2021. 2021. 02. 01.
- Joining the 2021 cohort of Techcelerate innovators. Thank you Imperial for the amazing opportunity. 2021. 01. 14.
- I will be serving as a Senior PC member for IJCAI 2021. Can't wait to read your best submissions! 2020. 12. 10.
- New paper out! The ARCH-COMP report on AI and Neural Network Control Systems is now available here - see post below for more details. 2020. 09. 27.
- Invited to serve as a member of the PC for AAAI 2021! 2020. 09. 01.
- Elena and I competed in the AI and Neural Network Control Systems track of the ARCH-COMP20. The track focuses on safety verification of closed-loop systems governed by neural controllers. Challenging problem with some really cool applications! Results out soon(ish), stay tuned. 2020. 07. 12.
- Fantastic news! Our paper on "Optimal Planning Modulo Theories" has been accepted at IJCAI20. Read the paper here. 2020. 04. 20.
Coventry here I come. Invited to the Automata in the Wild workshop at the University of Warwick.Postponed due to the COVID19 pandemic. 2020. 02. 27. - Just came back from Italy, where I successfully defended my PhD! 2020. 01. 26.
- New year, new paper: "Verification of Neural Networks: Enhancing Scalability through Pruning" accepted at ECAI20. Read the paper here. 2020. 01. 15.
- Joined Imperial College London, exciting times ahead! 2019. 10. 27.
- Great news: invited to speak at FMAIL in Bergen next Dec. 2019. 10. 03.
- New website online. 2019. 09. 16.